
Friday 26 July 2013

Fragrant food...Malaysian curry

I am discovering a lot of new flavours and foods at the moment.  And the more I eat fresh or freshly prepared meals, the more I crave these.  Putting together different herbs, spices and other ingredients and eating fragrant, flavoursome food at the end of it is just pure joy!  Who would have thought that healthy food can taste so good?

Malaysian curry
I found this Malaysian curry recipe which is bursting with flavour and is really simple to make.  Apart from the lemongrass the ingredients were easily available at my small local supermarket - they did have lemongrass paste which I used instead of the fresh stuff and it worked fine.  Anyway, I hope you will be able to find the ingredients easily because this dish is just so well worth making!

I love how versatile it is - I had the curry with tofu but you can use chicken, prawns, just vegetables...your choice!  And instead of rice, noodles would also be great.  Oh, and why not make double the spice paste and freeze half of it in an ice cube tray for another day?  That way you can serve up a yummy and healthy meal in no time.

Have a lovely, healthy weekend!

PS:  I had lots more sauce than the picture shows :-)

Thursday 25 July 2013

Come rain or shine...Mexican corn soup

We've had rain.  Not a lot but after three weeks of heat, it is very welcome in the garden.  Keith the dog is also a bit happier as he's not been too thrilled with all this warm weather...imagine wearing a fur coat all summer and you know why.

Summer might be a strange time to eat soup but when I found this recipe I figured that if they can eat soup in Mexico, then I'll manage here. And boy, did I manage :-)

This Mexican sweet corn soup is packed full of flavour and piles of vegetables and is creamy but low in fat.  Perfect!  I must admit that when I first saw the list of ingredients I wasn't sure because celery and fennel are not my favourites.  I tried it anyway and I'm glad I did.  The fennel and celery are not overpowering at all - just a hint of it in the background.  And the soup is quick to whiz up - ideal for lunch or a light dinner.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Back again

Oh, my poor little blog has been suffering from neglect this last week or so.  Hopefully, we will be back on track now.  The kitchen is almost fully functional and life is beginning to return to normal.  Phew!  I've got a couple of new recipes I have tried out and will be writing about this week.  For today, however, here is a nice and easy one to get back into the swing of things. 

This was my lunch yesterday: wholemeal wrap with smoked salmon and chive yogurt.  Some might say this was to celebrate the arrival of a certain royal baby but I just fancied salmon :-) 

Have a look here for the wrap recipe I wrote about previously.  They are lovely!  For the sauce/dip I simply combined 0% Greek yogurt with salt, pepper, chopped chives and garlic - utterly delicious and goes extremely well with salmon or equally well with veggie sticks as a dip.

Back tomorrow with a yummy Mexican soup recipe - can't wait to share that one!