
Favourites in the Larder

Open the Happy Larder on this page and you will find lots of favourite things that are - in one way or another - related to food...films, books, gadgets...


 "Food in England" by Dorothy Hartley
Learn about the history of food in England and be amazed at the recipes, traditional techniques and beautiful drawings.

"My Life in France" by Julia Child
The memoirs of Julia Child - gain an insight into the life of this wonderful chef.

"Waste" by Tristram Stuart
Be prepared to be shocked, embarrassed, outraged when reading this book on food waste.  A real eye-opener.


"Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe" - tissues at the ready...

"Julie & Julia" - a Nora Ephron film based on two true stories entwined by a love of food and cooking.  Meryl Streep as Julia Child is superb!

"Ratatouille" - I simply love Pixar's adorable rat chef.


The Food Programme - on BBC Radio 4
Covers a great variety of food-related topics - well worth a listen.


Eat the Seasons
This website gives you all the information you need to chose your food according to the UK seasons as well as recipes etc.  Definitely worth a look.

Local Foods
Here you can find information on farmers markets, farm shops, pick-your-own places etc - just put in your UK postcode and places in your area will be listed.

Herb & Spice photographic dictionary  and  Cooking Whiz herb and spice glossary
A couple of glossaries of herbs and spices - very useful when you need help deciding what herb goes with what dish.

Cookery Glossary
If you need a hand identifying the meaning of those cookery terms some recipes throw at you, find some help on this site.

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