
Friday 22 February 2013

Counting Down...

Only one more week until 1st March and the Fragrant Freebie Giveaway...don't forget to mark your diaries and let your blogger friends know...entry will be open to all and I have some really lovely goodies for the winners!

Cinnamon Rock Cakes...

Since it's almost the weekend, I think we need a little treat, don't you?  Picture this:  slightly warm cinnamon rock cakes, a hot mug of tea or coffee and the Sunday newspapers.  Ok, maybe you won't have time for the papers but these little fellas on the right will only take half an hour from start to finish. And I hope that the smell of cinnamon and freshly baked goodies will put a smile on your face even after the busiest of weeks.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Cinnamon Rock Cakes (makes about 10)

225g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
100g demerara sugar plus some for sprinkling
100g margarine or butter
125g dried fruit (currants, sultanas, peel etc.)
1 egg
a splash of milk
1 - 2 tsp cinnamon
Optional: 1/2 tsp ground mixed spice


  1. Preheat the oven to 175C.  In a large bowl mix the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and ground mixed spice, if using..
  2. Next, add the margarine or butter and mix to resemble fine breadcrumbs with your fingers. Add the sugar and then mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Pour a beaten egg into the mixture until it comes together to a sticky, dough ball. You made need a little milk at this point but add it a splash at a time.
  3. Place the mixture in generous lumps on a baking tray and then sprinkle with more demerara sugar. Don't smooth them out too much at this stage as they look much better when cooked, if they remain lumpy.
  4. Bake in the oven for 10-20 minutes, or until golden brown and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.  Let cool slightly on a wire rack.
These rock cakes keep well in a tin for a few days...if they are not all eaten up immediately :-)

(recipe adapted from BBC Good Food website)


  1. Oh my goodness rock buns :-) A childhood favourite of mine.
    Kirsten you certainly have some lovely old fashioned recipes but with a modern twist to them and for that I thank you. I'll give this recipe a go because my husband and I thoroughly enjoyed the doughnut muffin recipe you posted recently. I'll have to leave the peel out because huz is allergic to citrus peel so I'll substitute glace cherries I think :-)

  2. Thank you! I do love these too and I hope you & your hubby will enjoy them. I sometimes just make them with raisins and no other dried fruit - still very yummy! Sometimes the old recipes are the best, aren't they? Kirsten x

  3. Oh these look good. I will have to try them on a weekend when I have some time. I made a translated recipe for rock buns once but they did not turn out well. They did not keep for more than a day. Those did not have cinnamon in them either. I think my husband would prefer that. The 3 recipes I have made of yours have come out very well. So, my husband is more than willing to try more. :) Have a great weekend Kirsten!

    1. Oh, I hope you will both enjoy these - they are one of my favourite things (I love cinnamon!). I am glad your husband doesn't mind being guinea pig for the recipes :-) Have a great weekend! Kirsten x

  4. Hello again Kirsten. I made a batch of these this morning (Sunday) and I put currants and glace cherries in my mixture. They smelled delightful while they were cooking and they tasted as good as they smelled. Especially with a nice cup of tea. I have made a couple of your recipes now and they have all turned out very well each time. I'll look forward to more of your recipes in the not too distant future :-)

    1. Brilliant! I am so pleased you liked them! I love how quickly they are done. They should keep in a biscuit tin for several days...given half a chance :-) Thank you for your lovely comments! Kirsten x
