
Friday 15 March 2013

Spanish delights...

I am reading the most brilliant book at the moment:  "The Shadow of the Wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, a Spanish author.  What a treat!  It is one of those books you can't put down but at the same time you don't want it to end.  I am only allowing myself to read a few chapters at a time to make it last longer but the suspense is killing me because I want to find out what happens next.  Don't you just love books?

Mango Salsa...
Continuing the slightly summery theme from the last couple of days, here is today's recipe: mango salsa.  It tastes so fresh and fragrant and whilst we had it with the lamb burgers the other day, I think it would also go extremely well with grilled fish or prawns.  Simply mix some chopped mango, cucumber, coriander, red onion, chilli (or chilli flakes) with a dash of lime or lemon juice and season with salt & pepper.  Job done!
To be honest, the amount of each ingredient depends on how fruity or spicy you like your food - I just went easy on the lemon juice as I didn't want the salsa to be too tangy.  You could also add tomatoes or bell peppers but I quite like this simple version.

I already have a couple of recipes to try out and share with you next week - can't wait!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I think your version sounds fab as it is. I would not add or change a thing. I hope you have a great weekend.

  2. Oh I LOVE that book! and your salsa looks delicious as well.....we still have some snow on the ground here, so it doesn't feel very summery, but I can imagine the salsa is lovely with BBQ'd food. Beth/thelinencat

    1. Hi Beth! Oh, isn't that book just fabulous? :-) No summer here either (far from it) but maybe this food will bring it a bit sooner (or at least Spring). Kirsten x

  3. Hello Kirsten,

    Your salsa looks very summery, and I can just imagine how good it tastes!

    Do you take special requests? My favouritest sandwich of all time is goats cheese, roasted peppers and red onion marmalade... but I've never had a go at making any marmalade (I'm rubbish at jam!). Don't suppose you have any inspirational red onion marmalade recipes that you've been waiting to share? ;-)

    Hope all is well with you, Mr Larder and the cute hairy one.

    Sue xx

    1. Funny you should say that Sue - I was thinking about asking readers for their suggestions. I will see if I can find a good onion marmalade recipe & will try it out...will share soon! Kirsten x
