
Friday 26 April 2013

Of new friends and inspiration...

Home, sweet home... we arrived back from our wonderful trip to the US and both Mr Happy Larder and I are very tired but very happy.  We had such an amazing time and it was hard having to say goodbye...

I love travelling - ok, maybe not the bit at the airport where you have to remove your shoes, belt, etc but everything else about it.  So many new impressions and experiences and wonderful new friends - to me that is what travelling is all about.  Throw in a few new ideas and inspiration for recipes and I am one happy bunny :-)   It'll probably take me a few posts to write about all we have seen and done but now we are back home, I can't wait to get back into the kitchen and get my hands dirty.

We had some beautiful food whilst on the road and sometimes it was just the little touches that were so inspiring.  Take this simple idea, for example, for a twist on the usual olive oil/balsamic vinegar dip you often get in restaurants with the bread.  I always find it annoying that when they pour both into the same bowl, you can never get to the balsamic (thank you gravity).  We ate at a place called The Firefly in Savannah where they served the bread basket with a small bowl of olive oil with a little pile of finely grated parmesan cheese in the middle and a good sprinkle of freshly ground black pepper.  It was simple and yet heavenly, so next time you have that bit of parmesan cheese left, I can highly recommend giving this a go.

Soooo much more to write about but given that my body clock is completely confused, I shall wait until next time to share more, including some photos, recipes etc.