
Monday 17 June 2013

Fresh fruit

So, here we are: week 3 of our building works has started.  I know it's silly but I am beginning to feel a little homesick.  I've travelled lots and have been away from home for weeks on end before but this is different: we are only around the corner from home, so it's tantalisingly close and yet I can't really go back because there's too much going on.  They are making great progress and we are on schedule but I really can't wait to be home again :-)

Food is still pretty basic but tasty nonetheless and I have been watching a couple of great food shows on TV for inspiration.  The brilliant Nigel Slater created a couple of amazing yet simple dishes in one of his TV shows that I will definitely recreate and write about when we are back home.

I have just finished making one of my favourite things in the world: fruit salad.  Now, I know it doesn't take any skill whatsoever to make one of those but I think you just can't beat the taste of fresh fruit.  It is the one thing I really couldn't live without (or I'd be pretty miserable if I had to).  And it never fails to amaze me how nature creates these perfect little (or large) gems that are just bursting with flavour.  In my fruit salad today we have melon, strawberries, blueberries, a few grapes that were left and a kiwi - I might add a bit of banana just before serving.  I can't think of anything more delicious.  My slow Internet connection still means that uploading photos is not possible but just take my word for it: the salad looks divine :-)  Not too much longer now and I will be back in full swing with cooking, posting and sharing photos!

1 comment:

  1. I can so relate !! Trying to keep groceries to a minimum as to not have to move so much eventually....meals are a bit skimpy here as well! Fruit salad is always yummy, especially in hot, humid weather. Cannot wait for new pics....I am sure Keith is anxiously awaiting home sweet home as well.
